Swissman, Amaury Dehez 7ème & Ironman 70.3 Luxembourg

Swissman : Après 14h d’effort sous la pluie et même la neige, Amaury Dehez se classe à une fantastique 7ème au scratch et 1er français d’une course classée parmi les plus difficile au monde.

Rappelons que le Swissman est le troisième événement créé dans la catégorie Xtreme triathlon après le Norseman en Norvège (depuis 2009) et le Celtman en Écosse (depuis 2012).

Retrouvez un résumé en image de cette gigantesque épreuve sur

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CR d’Amaury :
7th Overall – 1st French – 1st age ranking 20-30 years #Holdup…on how to handle one of the most dificult Ironman in the world ! First of all thanks to my crew, Laura Xavi and Pinto aka Traktor furtivo. TEAM CAMPS ON FIRE. Without you guys, this days would not have been the same !!!

START : only 2 hours of sleep, not really stressed but adrenaline was starting to peak…Taxi at 2am arrives with no bike space so I had to take the highway in swim suit for 5km, It is 2:30am and I’m pissed, 1h30 before the boat.

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SWIM : I tough I did well , and even asked to my crew if I was in the lead…bad answer : No man youre up to 50th ahah…shock
I will need to push, top ten goal is forgotten for today…at least i think so.
Quick transition, lot of people in the zone, laughs and go.

BIKE : As I’m starting , legs feel a bit empty and people around me maintain good pace. I’m winning some position but not enough as I would like to but I need to respect that transition moment so my legs adapt. Pushing to hard at the beginning means creating stress, that could affect cardio rythm and complicate the day…
As agreed with my coach, only danger today is ME…50 first KM to hard and you’ll crash so I keep focus, no pressure. Its going to be a long day. I found a guy that guy in chrono setup, typical ironman pusher and stick with him at around 40KPH average. So a bit over but I’m now on my pace so, strategy is clear if you rush now, start summits a bit under normal pace. We’re now passing a lot of people with mountain setups, winds are strong, and first support zone arrives, they all stop I dont,50 meters after Im alone… I think it is now, if you want to do something dont let them come back, I think Im around 25-30 position.. Alone, facing strong winds, even reach 19,5 kph on flat…hard time. I stick to the plan, no forcing.

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GOTTHARDPASS : the rythm
I pass 3-4 people than a guy is sticking my rythm..and here’s come the pavement¡ Paris Roubaix style at 10 to 12%. Rain starts, and as we are going up it starts to get colder, rain amplify, my gloves are wet, pavement in the turns dangerous…head winds are a nightmare.
Than comes the hard part with 7 km of « lacets », typic swiss bike climb and below me somebody is pushing hard… It’s a girl Nina Brenn and she is On Fire, looking strong, perfect cadence, 10 minuts after she passes us, my colleague doesnt stick but I do and we go… I have difficulties to maintain the pace but I know that its my chance to get spots…so shut the F up and stick. We arrive to the top I’m on her side now as it seems that it is hard for her too and I even pass her at the top ‪#‎patron‬. Problem is…I cant feel my hands and I know there is 2 summits to go… I start after 3 minuts break to warmup the downhill and its horrible, cold, i cant brake properly cuz I cant feel my hands. I cant see anything because of the fog, its raiing, wind are dramatic and Xavi is driving in front of me so I know when turns arrive. Nina left first so I know I loose spots there…no worries it was needed.

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FURKAPASS : The crash
In the valley I started to warm a bit up, put the aero mode on to push and im around 50kph per hour on flat with back winds so really good to feeel the power and turn the legs agin. We start the furka long, rain cold agin…People push and I take some spots but it is hard… Middle of furka, as I didnt feed me because of the cold and the difficulty to grab my food, Im starting to shake.. Then the nightmare beguns…I start fallin almost asleep on the bike, I cant see properly, I have no food on me, 10km to go with 12% section climbs… I stick to a guy too strong for me that destroy me mentally and Im alone, going slow, candence frenetic. ITS SNOWING NOW. Than in the fog my support crew is there…Pinto runs with me and I cant even talk, my breathing is so fast, all my movements are robotics…I eat I drink but its already too late… 5km more and thats over…In in shock, need to seat, i cant feel my hands and my feets again…below zero now and I have to go down. I eat everything I can than leave, shacking, every turn is a nightmare.Finally i reach the flat.
GRIMSELLPASS : the come back
Food starts to kick in , sugar is back, mental on again and we go. Legs are feeling great so I swallow the grimsell at high cadence, passing people destroyed by the cold, and reach the top, no stop, go down in the valley, push in aero poosition at 50 to 60 kph in downhill…some competitors told us after they pass me I was at 65kph ahaha MOTOR ENGINE WORKING. So I arrive to T2 feelling good and find Nina on my way to start the run.

RUN : lets face it , im not the best runner, but I got better lately. Run course starts with a 12% wall…i decide to walk, 2 people pass me Nina and a guy and I keep calm eating and drinking knowing that,m as my coach said, Race starts at 20KM. Then comes teh downhill in the trees, fantastic landscape I’m feelling great and I push as it looks like a trailk course and I love it. I stick at 4.30KPH to not go to the red zone and I swallo the 15k easily to reach Pinto , my supporter for the running… Guess who’s behind me…the GIGATLONIST star, Nina Brenn…again I like that girl haha ! But she does not pass me…she’s behind waiting and I know what someone in that position thinks : Or hes going to crash and I pass or I wait than I pass… So one solution, I have to push, mark some differences in rythms to fly away but she’s used to that..more than me…so she’s still there. Flat section , still feeling great, I said to David, now lets go 4.15 KPH…He marked the rythm, stoping to every fountain to get water then come back, we eat powergums, and check every people we run into to keep the smile. After a while we look behind and shes gone…we cant see her finally but some others are coming and really strong. David tell me to keep the pace and we push hard to reach grindeswald…all the people applauding me. I am 5th drinking coke , easy, incredible…but there is something missing…oh yes 10km and 1500meters +…so go now. We start the hills but its hard and the 2 behind are strong, I’ll stick to the top ten no stress…and mentally Im starting to get down… David pushes me as much as possible and we run every downhill even if my belly is hurting…too much gels and bars
Xavi is there hallucinating with the performance, Laura smiling as much as you can do, Pinto on fire put me on his shoulder and we cross the lines after 14Hours and only 3 minuts after the 4th…
…finally I’m a Swissman.

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Thanks to my sponsors : CompressportEspaña, HPMedia, Oceanperf, Benjamin Pernet Coaching
Thanks coach for the training but also for believing in me, 2 months ago I told you 10 first…and we did it!
Thanks for training to Rayoteam, BPC team , Francois, Gwen, Sergi and Ashirunnity
Thanks for all the messages and support
My support crew was a reading all of them in live and that was enough to warm me a bit even in this weather.
Thanks !!! What a day »

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Ironman 70.3 Luxembourg : L’épreuve de Remich s’est déroulée ce samedi dans des conditions météorologiques idéales. Par rapport à l’édition 2014, le parcours vélo a été légèrement durci et la partie CAP allongée de pratiquement 2 kms. Belles prestations des athlètes BPC.

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Résultats :

Julien Drouault : 13ème M30-34, 102ème scratch, 00:27:15, 02:30:12, 01:26:53, Temps final : 04:28:37. Très bonne performance pour Julien qui réalise une course « pleine » ;

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Simon Pimpernet : 49ème M30-34, 297ème scratch, 00:31:08, 02:31:11, 01:41:16, Temps final : 04:48:23. Excellente performance pour Moon qui revient du diable Vauvert. A court de forme, il y a 1 mois, il a su redresser la barre et se retrouve sur la bonne voie pour aborder sa préparation terminale vers Zürich ;

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Olivier Dano : 65ème M40-44, 397ème, 00:26:13, 02:35:55, 01:47:09, Temps final : 04:55:19. A court d’entrainement, Olivier réalise une solide performance avec ses moyens du jour ;

Thierry Dubuc : 39ème 50-54, 563ème scratch, 00:29:23, 02:51:24, 01:39:31, Temps final : 05:06:48. Très bonne journée pour Thierr qui s’approche de la barre des 5h. Heureux à l’arrivée !

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Julien Bianco : 98ème M30-34, 588ème scratch, 00:27:58, 02:31:55, 02:04:18, Temps final : 05:08:04. 1er longue distance depuis 3 ans pour Julien. Une préparation parfois chaotique qui le conduit à un semi marathon difficile. Performances très encourageantes sur les parties natation et vélo ;

Lionel Pinot : 110ème M40-44, 636ème scratch, 00:30:58, 02:37:35, 01:55:34, Temps final : 05:12:22. Lio n’était pas dans son meilleur jour. Victime de maux de gorge 2 jours avant la course, la fatigue l’a rapidement gagné sur la partie pédestre. Nul doute qu’il montrera un tout autre visage à l’Ironman Vichy !

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1640 classés.

Autres résultats :

Tri L Lac des Sapins : David Prunier se classe 33ème en 5h51’07. +16,9% du vainqueur Kevin Rundstadler ;

Tri L Beauvais : Vincent Boucher termine 44ème en 4h44’46. +17,4% du vainqueur Victor Debil Caux ;

Tri M Aydat : Laurent Gabard se classe 16ème en 2h29’19. +16,5% du vainqueur Corentin Mersak ;

– Tri La LEZARD’EN (Vieilles-Forges) : Sur l’épreuve Tri Cross, David Brodier se classe 6ème et 1er vétéran en 2h16’46. Sur l’épreuve Sprint, Othmane Chouklati se classe 4ème et 3ème senior en 1h09’32 tandis que Pauline Marchal finit 4ème féminine en 1h22’21.


Prochain stage : Tri Camp Font-Romeu du 18 au 25 juillet 2015.